Marilyn Monroe - Andy Warhol style - Afghan
So, here it is.....(Click on the photos for enlargements).....

It's my Marilyn Monroe Afghan inspired by Andy Warhol's Marilyn prints. (See below).

I wanted to take pictures of it outside so I had to wait until the snow melted and the sun tried to come out in a couple of shots.

I had a really hard time trying to fit the whole blanket into one shot. The bench I was standing on was just not high enough.

The wind kept blowing and curling up the edges too. Grrr.

This is the back side of the afghan.
It is crocheted with a size J cabled hook.
I did this afghan in three panels starting from the right side and working through three graphs of Marilyn across to the left side.
Then I single crocheted twice around the panels. Then I joined the panels in the middle and single crocheted around the whole thing twice. I wanted it to have the look of 9 pictured frames like Andy Warhol's.
I used lots and lots of different left-over yarns from past projects. Perhaps you have picked out different colors I've used in previous afghans?
The middle one was done with Wiggles yarn. It looks really neat. It reminds me of newsprint.
I had a blast deciding which colors to use for each Marilyn. I wanted them each to represent every woman imaginable. For, to me, that was Andy's idea. Marilyn as representing "Everywoman". (I'm certainly no art expert. But that is how I have imterpreted it.)
(I did give her Tonk's hair in one and made her a blue Marilyn in another too. So much fun! The middle bottom one was done in all the Mondrian colors from my previous Partridge afghan. There's a Goth Marilyn on the far right middle section too.)
It was like having one of those toy Barbie make-up heads that you got to style her hair and face with. Remember those? Do they still make them? I have three boys so what do I know. LOL!!!
The pattern I used is available for free at this cross stitch site...
Stitch Alley
I hope this makes up for the criticisms from some of you who said I have only done afghans of men. (And, yes, you're right. That was true!)

So, one Mrs. Partridge and nine Marilyns later, I hope you all can forgive me.
Oh! Also. Does anyone who sees this know why my Yop We Are Here Dr. Seuss afghan is getting so many hits on it lately?
I know about the new Horton movie, but does anyone know if my afghan was posted somewhere recently?
Thank you all for all your support and encouragement!!!!