beck's blog

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hello Dark Mark

I received my first e-mail from Singapore Snape's flatmate KJ.
Apparently he's currently packing for his trip....My comments are in green....Click photos to enlarge as always...

Dear Becky,

Since part of his trip to the Americas will entail visits to some beaches to gather various crustaceans (he says there’s no point in explaining to me what kind or what they’ll be used for, because I just wouldn’t understand) Severus has been accumulating beach wear. First of all, he transfigured a handkerchief (see photo – I might add that he did not ask if he could ruin one of my hankies for this purpose) into a pair of swim trunks (see next photo – very J-Crew, eh?).
<----Oooooh! Do I detect a Canadian somewhere here?

Actually, these are the second pair he made. He initially made a little Speedo number, but changed it to the present, more modest form after I laughed at him and told him that no one wants to see a pale, skinny chemistry teacher cruising the beach in a banana hammock.
To which he replied,
“Potions teacher…. There’s a difference… And what’s a banana hammock?”

After sulking for a bit, he asked me to pick him up a beach towel.
Being slightly spiteful myself, I picked out a Hello Kitty towel for him (see third photo).

Oh. My. God!!!! I want a poster of this!!!!!!!

To his consternation and my lasting amusement, he has been unable to magically remove the Hello Kitty picture. He says that Hello Kitty is itself a sort of Dark Mark, and thus one has to know several specialized counter-curses to get rid of it.

Snape has been working steadily for the past two days to try and break the cursed mark, but so far without success, which, he says, is a clear indication of how truly evil Hello Kitty really is.

Oh, and you can also see from the last photo that Snape is one of those men who wears black shoes and socks with his bathing suit. When I questioned him about his choice of footwear (and the fact that he is apparently planning to wear a black long-sleeved shirt to the beach too), he said,
“What’s wrong with that? They’re my favourites. And you can’t be too careful about the sun, you know.” Dork.

Best, Karen

Awwwww, he's not a dork, he's hard-core goth through and through!

I hope he never gets rid of that Hello Kitty mark. It's adorable! (I'll bet he secretly loves it just like the pink feather quill and umbrella in his drink.) And just like a man walking a puppy or pushing a baby in a stroller at the park, the beach towel will surely be a chick magnet for him. (Too bad the chicks he'll attract will most likely have an average age of 7). LOL!!!!


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